Page 11 - TTC Profile -Modified2
P. 11
THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
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Quality Policy
THABTHABAT is committed to provide quality services
to its clients and in order to achieve this, we shall:
01 02
Develop and implement E ff ectiv ely
quality management communicate the the
system and procedures quality policy to our
to deliver services that competent employees
meet applicable and and other relevant
international standards personnel�
03 04
Provide a framework for Provide appropriate
establishing, achieving, training to our
and reviewing quality employees and other
objectives relevant personnel
05 06
S tan d ar d iz e , Proactively seek our
periodically audit, clients feedback and
review, and continually appropriately address
improve our quality them
management system,
business process and
THABTHABT CONTRACTING EST. Quality Policy: Page 11 of 11