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THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
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      تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ                                                                                       7

                 About US
                        About Us

                        THABTHABAT  launched actually  on  1989  in
                          accordance with unique standards inspired by our
                            values that we have in practice by highly qualified,

                            experienced and technical working team

                       Over  short  span  of  time,  THABTHABAT  set  up  its
                         position in the core of the leading entities working in

                           the  contracting business focusing strongly  on
                           maintaining and growing up our status as quality
                          specialist in Telecommunications, Water & Sewage,

                       Electricity  and  Constructions  whilst  broadening  and
                       strengthening our clients base

                        As  well  as  this,  our  goals  inspired  by  our  vision,

                        mission  and  values  is  with  extreme  passion  to
                        innovate  and  develop  our  business  specifically  by
                        three pillars in our policy:

                                Professional          Timeline with             Technology
                            Staff and experts          all resources,        innovation as per
                              in their fields            actions and            the up-to-date
                           carrying out their
                           functions on time,         dependencies           modernity in the
                                budget and            on time frame             world of our
                                 competent               schedule                 business

                         THABTHABT CONTRACTING EST.                 About Us: Page 7 of 7
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