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THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
      تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ                                                                                       5
      تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ

                         Our Vision

                                                                                 Partnership in driving a new era of
                                                                     تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ
                                                                    THABTHABAT CONTRACTING
           To Be Distinctive                                                     development & growth

                                                              02           THABTHABAT CONTRACTING  Reflecting the digital governance
                                                                                        on the ground
                                                                            تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ


                                                                            تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ   Being a partner in Accelerating
                                                                                        our country’s transition to
                                                                           THABTHABAT CONTRACTING
                                                              04                        sustainable & diversified growth

                                                                      تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ
                                                                                  Realizing the full potential of productivity
                                                                     THABTHABAT CONTRACTING

                     To  be distinguished                To be one of the lead-              To be one of the cor-
                 and  also  be able  to  lead        ing corporates by provid-           porates that meet clients’
                  and participate in the de-
          05       velopment of huge proj-              ing integrated  services   07      needs  through  the  ex-
                                                                                            pertise  and  extensive
                    ects with studied scien-
                   tific methodology.          06 of  the  highest  quality                 knowledge in the scope
              Invest  our expertise  and            and  profession  with  the        of  Telecom,  water,  sewage
              values of growth and provide        full  commitment to  innovate
              engineering excellence to our                                           and  electricity  and  fully
              customers and  achieve  the         and   develop   the   finest         aware of such industry’s tech-
              highest level of value by ad-       achievements  according  to         niques with the best and high-
              hering to  best  practices in       the latest international stan-      est levels of international and
              terms  of  governance  and
              transparency.                       dards                               creativity excellence.

                         THABTHABT CONTRACTING EST.               Our Vision: Page 5 of 5
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