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THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
                                 THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
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     تﻻوﺎﻘﻤﻠﻟ تﺎﺑﺬﺑذ                                                                                        8 8
                       Our Core Values

        In a sustainable way: we are committed to furthering

        the well�being of our growers, employees, customers and
        the communities where we operate

        01     INTEGRITY                     02    HSE                            03    QUALITY

              Honesty and fairness guide           Provide support and actions          We    are   committed    to
              our actions.                         necessary for everyone to            excellence in everything we
              Adhere to high ethical               be injury-free                       do
              standards    of   business           Continuously improve our             We desire,  plan, strive for
              conduct                              facilities,  focusing   on
              Always     be    fair  and           reducing tasks                       and pursue the  highest
              respectful to others                 Attentive to the needs and           quality in any undertaking,
              Embodiment              of           interests of our employees
              trustworthiness       and            Becoming a corporate with            process, product or result
              honour                               zero-incident culture

        04     TEAMWORK                      05    COMMITMENT                     06    Accountability

              Strongly            support          Willingness to devote our            Taking responsibility for the
              collaboration   for  better
              outcomes                             full energies and talents to         content and process of
              Act for the good of the group                                             decisions  made,  actions
              and  THABTHABAT  versus              the successful completion
              individual self-interest                                                  taken,  and  the  resulting
              Share    information   and           of undertakings                      outcomes
              resources with others.
              Work cooperatively toward
              achieving  a common
              recognized end

        07     TRUST                         08    Entrepreneurship               09    Social Responsibility

              Value and reward openness            Initiative to improve and            Believe in the development
              and trust                            capture new opportunities            of the communities we
              Straight forward, honest,            Have sense of urgency and a          touch
              and direct when dealing with         bias for action                      Contribute    funds    and
              others.                              Encourage     proper   and           support employee  time for
              Encourage free and open              thoughtful risk-taking               local social activities
              discussion                           Show high initiative to              Be involved with local
              Approachable and friendly            deliver results                      economic development
                                                                                        Act as  stewards of the
                                                                                        environment in which we

                                        Our Core Values
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