Page 4 - Rwagashani Tea Plantation
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Weighing tea before loading
Rwagashani mixed farm and the surrounding areas have two wet seasons (September to
November and March to May) and two dry seasons (December to February and June to July).
The June to July dry season affects most crops and lowers the tea yield.
Rainy season activities include preparing land, acquiring seedlings from quality seedbeds and
planting. Seedlings are planted in holes of 30.5 centimeters deep and in rows of one meter
between each seedling. This is followed by weeding and spraying weed killer to rid the plantation
of weeds; applying fertilizer to boost growth and later yield; removing silt from existing trenches
and opening new ones where needed. The trenches catch and retain water; and prevent soil
erosion. It is during the wet season when the farm expands the tea plantation and fills gaps in the
existing gardens.