Page 5 - Rwagashani Tea Plantation
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In August 2020, the tea plantation was expanded by 5 acres. This portion is not yet ready for
plucking. Tea plants grow at a height of 1-2 meters after which they are pruned and maintained
at a short height to ease plucking of leaves. Generally, it takes about two years before the plant
is mature enough for tea harvesting, and about five years for tea plants to give of their best.
Tea plantations are most productive when they receive a balance of rainfall and sunshine. Using
the fine tea plucking method, pickers pick only the second and third leaves together with their
buds. The tea plantation supervisor trains, mentors and monitors the pickers not to pluck more
than two leaves with the bud (coarse plucking). The high quality standards at the factories reject
such tea. Tea quality produced from this technique is very low.
On the other hand, pruning takes place during the dry season. Pruning is a vital process. It eases
harvesting of tea shoots and promotes budding. Furthermore, pruning helps remove mature
leaves and unproductive wood from tea plants. It facilitates branching in patterns that encourage
plants to produce more leaves and buds. It stops the vertical plant growth and promotes the more
productive horizontal growth. Furthermore, pruning minimizes loss of water through evaporation
that leads to crop wilt which lowers production and income of whoever is engaged in the tea