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                                                  EVIDENCE SAYS NO

               Legitimate  scientists  do  studies,  write  up  their  findings,

               then submit them to peer review and publication in recognized
               scientific journals. A real scholar is a seeker of truth, a
               detective.  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one
               has  data.  Insensibly  one  begins  to  twist  facts  to  suit
               theories,  instead  of  theories  to  suit  facts".  Those  words
               from  Sherlock  Holmes  are  just  as  true  of  science  as  it  is
               indeed detective work. Truth is established by EVIDENCE, not

               by what anyone says. Science, or a good detective, proceeds
               from evidence to a conclusion, not the other way around.

               Some  biblical  scholars  actively  seek  evidence  that  would
               support  their  preconceived  opinion,  namely  that  what  is
               written in the bible is correct. A true detective however,
               seeks  and  follows  evidence  wherever  it  leads.  Nearly  all
               biblical scholars have now come to the conclusion that the

               story of slavery and escape to freedom under the leadership
               of a man named Moses as told in the Old Testament ( the Hebrew
               Tanakh) books of (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
               was a national foundation myth with no historical basis.

               In  the  early  1800's,  a  young  Frenchman,  Jean-François
               Champollion,  discovered  the  keys  to  deciphering  Egyptian

               hieroglyphics and lead an archeological expedition to Egypt.
               Ever  since  that  time,  biblical  scholars  and  archaeologists
               have  combed  through  Egyptian  writings  looking  for  anything
               that  would  confirm  biblical  accounts.  There  is  NOTHING,
               absolutely zero evidence that would support the existence of
               either  Moses  or  the  biblical  Exodus.  No  mention  of  anyone
               named Moses or anyone like him. Nothing about a baby in reed
               boat who grew up to be an official in Pharaoh's court. That
               baby in a reed boat story was obviously plagiarized from a
               Mesopotamian legend about Sargon the Great, who was in fact

               , a real person, the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire, who
               conquered  Sumerian city-states in the 24th to 23rd centuries
               BCE.  Those  stories  get  around,  don't  they?  Just  like  the
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