Page 6 - Research 1.0
P. 6
Since no one is born with a religion and seem to somehow
acquire one by osmosis or some other process, it is rather
strange that each proponent of the various religions is
convinced that their religion was of their own free choice
and is the best of all possible religions. They are firmly
convinced that the proponents of other religions are, at the
very least, mistaken and quite possibly evil. Since they
cannot all be right, The problem becomes how to tell the real
religion from the fake. HOW TO IDENTIFY A FAKE RELIGION:
1. The deity never appears in person to any credible person
or group of people, and his very existence is unverifiable.
2. No miracles or supernatural events are ever documented by
any credible source.
3. Praying to the deity has no measurable, real-world effect.
4. Belief promises a reward and non-belief promises a penalty,
but these consequences are unverifiable.
5. Holy text makes unsubstantiated claims and describes
events of questionable historicity.
6. There is no clear evidence that the text has divine
7. Regular groupthink meetings are held to reinforce belief.
A person of authority is present to interpret the holy text,
and money is collected. Followers have justifications for all
of these failings and believe wholeheartedly. How is your
religion different from a fake religion?