Page 8 - Research 1.0
P. 8


               It  is  helpful  to  understand  that  evolution  is  a  molecular
               process.  The  random  mutations  that  naturally  occur  during

               cell division and replication (mitosis and meiosis) are the
               raw  material  for  the  genetic  variation  we  see  in  every
               population of organisms. Mutations are ongoing and continuous
               for  every  living  species.  "Mutations  are  essential  to
               evolution; they are the raw  material  of genetic  variation.
               Without mutation, evolution could not occur.''


               Those genetic variants are subjected to a selection process
               that is performed by whatever environment the organisms find
               themselves.  In  this  respect,  evolution  is  an  ongoing,
               continuous set  of natural experiments. Those  that work get
               perpetuated,  those  that  don't,  perish.  It  is  as  if  the

               environment  acted  as  an  umpire  who  says  "There  are  good
               mutations and there are bad mutations and there are neutral
               mutations, but they ain't nuthin' until I (the environment)
               calls 'em." That is Natural Selection. Neutral mutations just
               go along for the ride producing neither immediate benefit nor
               harm (Genetic Drift).

               The  result  of  those  selection  processes  is  organisms  best
               suited for their current environment. Should that environment
               change,  it  would  put  the  population  under  stress.  If  the
               population  gene  pool  has  sufficient  genetic  variation  it
               increases the likelihood that at least some offspring should
               be able to survive and perpetuate the species (albeit one of
               slightly different genetic makeup).

               What everyone should  understand is that genetic  changes  do
               not occur because of some 'need'. The mutations are RANDOM
               and get selected if they are USEFUL. That is a process called
               Natural Selction and it is anything BUT random.
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