Page 13 - Research 1.0
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LIES CREATIONISTS TELL - about Charles Darwin Frustrated by
their inability to refute the Theory of Evolution with factual
evidence, creationists in their desperation turn to lies,
personal attacks and slander of Charles Darwin, a man who
died 130 years ago and was by all accounts a kindly gentleman.
Creationists seem to think that by attacking and denigrating
Charles Darwin or anyone else who accepts the evidence of
evolution, that by doing so they discredit the idea of
evolution and bolster creation mythology. What they fail to
realize is that authority in science comes not from a person,
but from the evidence.
Whereas science is restricted to demonstrable fact,
creationists have no such limitations. Since he is dead and
few people have actually read his works, they feel entitled
to misquote, quote out of context, quote mine and outright
lie sacrificing their personal integrity by doing so. Had
they been at all honest, they would have said that Darwin is
one of the most highly respected scientists of his day and
his ideas, along with those of Gregor Mendel form the Modern
Evolutionary Synthesis. Every new discovery has supported
evolutionary theory and none has detracted from it. In the
words of Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes
Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"
Darwin was from a wealthy family; his father and grandfather
were well to do physicians, and he married into the wealthy
Wedgewood family. This was rather the case for most scientists
of his day who were thus able to devote themselves full time
to the pursuit of knowledge. Charles Darwin, at age 22 was a
recent graduate of Cambridge University with a degree in
theology. Because of his social status and education, was
deemed a suitable traveling companion for Captain Robert
FitzRoy aboard the HMS Beagle. Had it not been for that
fateful occasion, Charles Darwin would have become an
Anglican country parson and faded into obscurity.