Page 16 - Research 1.0
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Stephan Hawking were interred in this place of honor, called
the 'Scientists Corner.
As for bogus assertions that Darwin recanted his theory on
his deathbed, that brought outright indignation from his
family who were at his bedside. Even creationist websites
report that was a lie;
Despite the fact that this claim has been thoroughly refuted
many times, even by creationist websites, there are
unscrupulous creationists that will resurrect it, even
knowing it is a lie.
It does however reveal the desperation of creationists who
will sacrifice whatever is left of their integrity to slander
a dead man.
Truth is established by EVIDENCE, not by what anyone says.
People lie. evidence doesn't
LIES CREATIONISTS TELL… that evolution is not science. These
are people who cannot even define evolution or describe how
it works. They seem to think that saying "Nuh-uh" is a really
powerful argument. Their claim is refuted by virtually every
science organization in the world as well as the science
departments of secular universities worldwide. Even the
Biology and Geosciences departments at conservative Baptist
Baylor University have issued statements affirming that
evolution is "supported by overwhelming scientific evidence
and is accepted by the vast majority of scientists."
And..."The fossil record clearly indicates a progression in