Page 17 - Research 1.0
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complexity of organisms from very simple fossil forms in the
oldest rocks (>3.5 billion years old) to a broad spectrum
from simple to complex forms in younger rocks..."
In 1830, at age 21, Charles Darwin graduated Cambridge
University with a degree in theology. Had it not been for one
of his theology professors, Reverend Professor John Stevens
Henslow who was also a biologist, Darwin would surely have
faded into obscurity as an ordinary Anglican (Church of
England) minister.
At that time, theology professors were also expected to teach
other subjects and young Charles Darwin eagerly sought out
such teachers, one of which was Henslow. In his eagerness to
learn about the natural world, Darwin would often question
his tutor between classes. This was noted so often that Darwin
became known as "The man who walks with Henslow". Even after
graduation, Henslow encouraged his young protege to study
geology with Reverend Professor Adam Sedgwick.
It was Henslow to whom the position of ship's naturalist was
offered by Captain Robert FitzRoy of the HMS Beagle. At the
time, FitzRoy and the Beagle were preparing for an extended
voyage of discovery, charting the waters of South America.
Henslow declined that offer due to his wife's opposition, but
recommended his young student in his stead. Darwin's social
status also made him a suitable traveling companion for a
ship's captain who is, for reasons of discipline, denied
familiarity with his crew.