Page 19 - Research 1.0
P. 19
His seminal work of course was his "On the Origin of species
by Means of Natural Selection" published in 1859 when he was
50. It was the culmination of almost 30 years of work.
That was followed 12 years later by "The Descent of Man, and
Selection in Relation to Sex" which reignited a firestorm of
protests from fundamentalist creationists.
By any measure, Darwin's life was one of great accomplishment,
yet today there are those who fear his revelations weaken
religious belief, and so will attempt to vilify him at any
opportunity. Of what value is such a religion?
*The Royal Society of the U.K, is, like the U.S. National
Academy of Sciences that was patterned after it, an
organization of the top scientific minds of the nation.
Fellowship is by invitation only; new members are nominated
and voted upon by current members. Those so chosen are
entitled to use the letters FRS. (Fellow of the Royal Society)
as part of their name. Charles Darwin was one of those so
honored. He was also honored by Fellowships in the Royal
Geographical Society (FRGS), the Linnaean Society (FLS) and
the Zoological Society (FZS).