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can only produce changes in existing body parts. Genetic
changes (Genotype) take place constantly, Physiological
changes (Phenotype) take place incrementally over thousands
of generations, and not due to single mutations but
accumulations of diverse mutations.
On the Hawaiian Islands, the indigenous population came up
with imaginative names for the colorful bird population. On
the Galapagos however, there were no indigenous peoples to
name these birds and they were given very prosaic names by
the scientists studying them. Giving them names like Small
Ground Finch, Medium Ground Finch and Large Ground Finch were
descriptive but glossed over their genetic differences and
gave credence to the creationist claim "They are still
On the Hawaiian Islands, the science of comparative genomics
shows that another species of finch, the Laysan Finch,
underwent adaptive radiation into the at one time 55 species
of Honey creepers of which only 18 survive. Unlike the
Galapagos Finches that were similarly drab in coloration, the
various Honeycreepers exhibit wide differences in plumage
coloration and had widely varying bill shapes. Some of the
nectar feeders have co-evolved with a specific plant species,
their uniquely shaped bills providing polination. Extinction
of one of those bird species usually results in the extinction
of its co-evolutionary plant counterpart.