Page 34 - Research 1.0
P. 34

LIES CREATIONISTS TELL - "Evolution is a religion" or
                                            "science is a religion"

               Claim: "Those who rely on science do so out of faith, just as

               do  religious  proponents."  Assertions  that  evolution  or  any
               science has any similarity to religion is again creationist
               nonsense. Evolution has no required beliefs, nor prohibited
               beliefs,  but  that  is  what  religions  are  all  about.  When
               someone  affirms  a  tenet  of  religion,  they  are  in  essence
               taking a vow of ignorance as it limits freedom of thought.
               Hallmarks of religion are beliefs in supernatural entities or

               events, a 'spirit' capable of surviving death in an afterlife,
               inerrancy of scriptures, etc. However much such beliefs may
               be comforting to religious proponents, they are not supported
               by  any  evidence.  Science  neither  affirms  nor  denies  such
               beliefs.  The  fact  that  it  does  not  affirm  their  personal
               beliefs is what incurs the ire of fundamentalist religious

               Neither does any area of science recognize authorities. Truth
               is  established  by  EVIDENCE,  not  by  what  anyone  says.  It
               wouldn't  matter  whether  ones  name  was  Albert  Einstein,
               Stephan  Hawking  or  Stephan  Hawking.  Those  scientists  and
               others  knew  that  if  they  did  not  have  evidence,  they  had


               LIES CREATIONISTS TELL - About evolution. Creationists often
               characterize evolution as "one animal turning into another"
               Like a dog giving birth to a cat, or a horse to a camel or
               some other such monstrosity. which is nonsense. Not only does
               the Theory of Evolution not predict any such thing, it would

               actually  DISPROVE  evolution  is  that  were  to  happen.
               Nonetheless,  that  persists  as  the  creationist's  favorite
               straw man argument (a logical fallacy)...
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