Page 11 - Yearbook 20-21 example
P. 11


                                   Don Francis

                             Dear IAA Community,

                             The  2020-2021  academic  year  was  a  historic  one.  The  Covid-19

                             Pandemic  changed  our  world  overnight.  In  March  we  celebrated

                             being a virtual campus for

                              one  yeat  by  re-opening  our  school  with  special  permission  from  the  Mayor’s  office

                            and  the  COE.  We  were  the  first  school  in  Guayaquil  to  be  approved  for  in  person

                            classes.  Our  students  returned  nostalgic  for  time  with  friends  and  the  beauty  of  our

                            campus.        Some       students       remained         at   home       to   connect       into    our    hybrid      classes:

                            students  in  the  classroom  and  students  live  at  home  connected  via  Schoology  and


                            Certainly  the  work  and  patience  demonstrated  by  the  IAA  community  brought  back

                            some  hope  that  this  challenge  can  one  day  be  beat.  We  have  lost  loved  ones,  have

                            been  quarantined  to  our  homes,  have  missed  important  family  events,  and  we  were

                            forced to disconnect in person for a year.
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