Page 13 - Friska Dietary Product Brochure.cdr
P. 13

The Silver Line :
      The Silver Line :
      The Silver Line :
      A  recent  report  in  the  British  medical  journal
                                                               L-Glutamine-The antioxidant’s friend
      (BMJ)  examines  surveys  of  ve  specic  nutrients L-Glutamine-The antioxidant’s friend
                                                                                               ’s friend
                                                                             The antioxidant
      that  have  been  shown  to  speed  up  the  recovery    Glutamine  (or  simply  glutamine)  intravenously  or
      mechanism by way of improving immune system using        orally combat with toxins and reduce the incidence of
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and  pneumonia. The brain uses glutamic acid almost as
      shorter hospital stays.                                  well as glucose for energy, and with less stress in
      A  recent  report  in  the  British  medical  journal  doing so. L-glutamine is one of the precursors of the
      (BMJ)  examines  surveys  of  ve  specic  nutrients    highly effective antioxidant glutathione.
                                                               BCAAs- The repairman:
      that  have  been  shown  to  speed  up  the  recovery  BCAAs- The repairman:
                                                                      - The repairman:
      mechanism by way of improving immune system using        Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAAs) are apparently
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and
      Immunonutriton. The overall result: fewer infections and  the  easiest  form  of  protein  for  the  body  to  use  for

      The Alpha and the omega : Omega-3 fatty acids
      The Alpha and the omega : Omega-3 fatty acids
      The Alpha and the omega : Omega-3 fatty acids            repair,  and  that’s  why  this  nutrient  is  popular
      (founds  in  oily  sh  like  tuna,  salmon  and
      (founds  in  oily  sh  like  tuna,  salmon  and
      (founds  in  oily  sh  like  tuna,  salmon  and         with many body builders. “BCAAs are readily available
                                                               which are also precursors of glutamine.
                                                               NUCLEOTIDES-DOWN IN THE DNA:
                                                                               -DOWN IN THE DNA
                                                               NUCLEOTIDES-DOWN IN THE DNA:
      Arginin  the  multitasker  :  :  This  remarkable  amino
                                   This  remarkable  amino
      Arginin  the  multitasker er  :  This   remark able   amino
                                                               Nucleotides -as immune system enhancers, Nucleotides
      acid  is  known  to  play  a  role  in  a  number  of  very
                                                               (the basic unit of nucleic acids) are the building blocks
      benecial  a  role  in  number  of  very  benecial      of  DNA,  and  they  help  make  cells  division  possible.
      functions, including: blood vessel dilation, reduction
                                                               when the immune sustem is under stress, new cells are
      of inammation, repair of skin and connective tissue     needed  to  help  ght  infection.  white  blood  cells,  bone
      and thymus gland regulation.                             marrow cells, and the mucous immune system suppports
      Surgery, burns, chronic infections or cancer             It  could  make  all  the  difference  between  a  difcult
                                                               recovery and a successful one.
      Cachexia, all of them call for improved
                                                                   PRUTIINA HP | ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES
                                                                 DOSE PER DAY :
      Comparison of Starvation and Stress Hypermetabolism*
      Comparison of Starvation and Stress Hypermetabolism*
      Comparison of Starvation and Stress Hypermetabolism*
                                                                 15gms (Scoop available) Twice a
                                                                 day in a glass of milk
        Resting energy expenditure  Decreased   Increased
        Respiratory quotient   0.6-0.7          0.8-0.9
        Mediator activation     -               +++              Preparation guidelines:
        Primary fuels          Fat              Mixed
        Proteolysis             +               +++              Take a glass of Pre Boiled water or
        Branch chain oxidation  +               +++              milk add 1-2 scoop of Prutiina HP
        Hepatic protein synthesis  +            +++              Supplement in it and Stir it well.
        Urinary nitrogen loss   +               +++
        Glucogenesis            +               +++
                                                               Intervention route : Oral
                                                               Intervention route :
        Ketone body production   ++++            +             Intervention route :  Oral
                                                               Indication :
                                                               Indication : Trauma & Burns, AIDS, TB, ONCO  Trauma & Burns, AIDS, TB, ONCO
                                                               Indication :
                                                               therapy  , P re & P ost surgery
                                                               therapy, Pre & Post surgery
             M  I  U           F  O            Q  U  LITY
                                                               Flavour :
                                                               Flavour : Vanilla Flavour  Vanilla Flavour
             E    QUALITY     R  RMANCE                        Flavour :
             R                P  E
                                                               Pack Size : 400/200gmack Size : 400/200gm
                                                               Pack Size :
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18