Page 6 - Friska Dietary Product Brochure.cdr
P. 6


       One  third  of  babies  born  in  India  are  of  low  However, adolesence is known to be a “Second
       birth  weight  (LBW)  (<2.5  kg)  and  this  opportunity” for growth as it facilitates catch-up

       Continues  to  be  a  major  public  health            growth  for  children  experiencing  nutritional
       problem.  In  addition  to  short  term  and           decits  in  their  early  life.  Under-nutritional

       childhood  growth  failre  emong  survivors            during  adolescence  not  only  delays  growth

       (Pojda  and  kelley  2000),  LBW  babies  carry        Spurt  but  affects  all  the  linear  components
       long  term  risk  in  the  form  of  high  rates  of   of  growth.  Recent  studies  (Lithell  et  al  1996;

       adult coronary heart disease and the hypothesis        Philips 1996) bring out the fact that babies born
       of “fetal origins of adult disease’. In India, poor    with low birth weight but acquiring higher body

       fetal Growth has been attributed to widepread          fat  postnatally  have  higher  risk  for  insulin
                                                              resistance  and  blood  pressure.  The  risk  of
       maternal Under-nutrition (Gopalan 1994).
                                                              adult  disease  can  only  be  minimized  by

       A  neuron  is  a  protein  rich  cells  and            conscious  effort  to  avoid  drastic  shifts  in  diet
       Neurotransmitter  like  Dopamine  or                   a n d       a c t i v i t y      p a t t e r n s .

       serotonin) are amino acid derived chemicals            In focus of above discussion a balanced meal
       and a new research published in the journal of         for growing children should sufce following

       Pediatric  Research  revels  that  premature
       babies  who  are  given  a  high  protein  diet
                                                              * Good ratio of EAA’s to NEAAs as per the
       grow  up  to  be  more  more  intelligent.  It  was        needs of growth phase
       found  that  kids  fed  on  high  protein  formula     * Fats (quantity & quality) to support better

       had, on average, a largercaudate nucleus, a               mental, Physical and immune
       center  connected  to  learning  and  memory.
       Thus  need  of  hour  is  to  provide  a  balanced
                                                              * Carbohydrates (with appropriate ratio of
       meal which fullls the requirement of all the              complex to simple),

       nutrients  that  supports  better  growth  &           * Micronutrients that support mascular,
       development  in  children  to  achieve  a  better          Intellectual & Immune growth

       breed of adolescents.

            FABPRO KID | Administration Guidelines

         DOSE PER DAY :                                   Intervention route : Oral
                                                          Intervention route :
                                                          Intervention route :
         15gms (Scoop available) Twice a
                                                          Indication : Physical, Intellectual & Emotional Indication : Physical, Intellectual & Emotional
         day in a glass of milk                           Indication :
                                                          growth of children
         Preparation guidelines:                          Flavour :
                                                          Flavour : Chocolate Flavour Flavour : Chocolate Flavour
         Take a glass of Pre Boiled water or
                                                          Pack Size : 200gmack Size : 200gm
         milk add 1-2 scoop of fabpro kid                 Pack Size :
         Supplement in it and Stir it well.
                                                                                  M  I  U  M   F  O        Q  U  A  LITY
                                                                                  E   QUALITY  E  R  RMANCE
                                                                                  R            P
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