Page 68 - Kaleidoskop KMS 2021
P. 68

                                GUESS WHAT

                                      Written by Muhammad Iqbal Bin Azizi AL20.4

          “I hate myself. I feel like it’s my fault; I want to cease to be  To my surprise, he too shares her weird obsession with
          like I never existed.” snivelled Amelia, looking glum on that  Bebop Jazz; I guess it does reflect their funky and dynamic
          velvety purple chaise settee. As those words spouted off  relationship. To put it simply, they were a match made in
          her mouth, she sank deep with a devastating groan, burying  heaven, a love of truly monumental proportions, at least
          her face in her cupped hands.                          that is what I thought.

          Unknowing of an appropriate reaction, I stared blankly at my  The sudden laughter of a group of boisterous young lads
          empty coffee mug as my mind struggled to comprehend this  entering the cafe, contrasting with the distressing
          unexpected and worrisome turn of events. I knew for once,  predicament I am in, snapped me out of my thoughts.
          with chilling certainty, that nothing would be the same ever  Amelia, who was crying her eyes out a while ago, relapsed
          again.                                                 into utter silence in which I assume was a sign of her being
                                                                 dispirited, troubled with leaden-eyed despair. Feeling
          Amelia, a vivaciously petite girl with lush auburn hair who  sympathetic, I sat down next to her and draped my arm
          innately has this mesmerizing stare, was the hopeless  around her shoulders, providing a sense of reassurance.
          romantic type — believed in the charming prince fantasy, a  “What exactly happened?” I asked her wholeheartedly.
          little too naïve, to put it bluntly. She considers that most
          guys she met were either lukewarm or hopelessly dull, which  “He cheated on me, he cheated on me with a guy! Am I not
          includes me, I supposed ( what a waste, to be honest ).  good enough as a woman? Why wouldn’t he tell me earlier?”
          Being a Cancer herself, she would go on nonstop, rambling  she said wistfully as she showed me a very distressing
          about her dream soulmate being a hedonistic, stoic, and  exchange of text messages between them. For that very
          ambitious Taurus that would love her from the moon and  moment, I was struck with a sudden affliction of anxiety,
          back. Exotic, tall, handsomely tanned, and maybe a smack of  like struggling to breathe for air underwater, I felt the
          Latino vibes would regularly be her response whenever the  tightness in my chest. I reclined, clutched the nearby
          ‘specific type’ question arises, in which I would jokingly come  cushion with my clammy hands, concealing any sign of my
          back with “And pigs might fly!” But even so, I guess miracles  heart jumping out of my chest.
          do come true when you wish upon a star.
                                                                 “Amelia, that’s life! It’s like getting a box of chocolates, you
          In the faithful summer of her twenty-third year, Amelia fell  wouldn’t know what to expect! Everything would soon be
          head over heels in love for the first time in her life. An  alright.” said I, trying to placate the situation. As usual, my
          amorous and passionate kind of love that embellishes a  philosophical platitudes on life do not appease her. The
          monotonous and dreary life of black and white with an  heavy atmosphere continues to lay a very awkward tension
          intense palette of colours — from the brightest hue of  between us, as we were perturbed by that very fact.
          fuchsia to the deepest shade of cerulean blue, colours that
          are fit for a Henri Matisse painting. He happened to tick all  As much as I love Amelia as my best friend, I cannot bring
          her checkboxes, and it seems that he shares the same   myself to tell her the soul-shattering truth. I thought to
          ardour for her.                                        myself, with immense guilt and regret “Amelia, guess what, I
                                                                 am that other guy.”
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