Page 178 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 178

mushrooms and vitamin d d we love mushrooms! Mushrooms are are fun to pick tasty and and nutritious and and are are the only plants that naturally contain significant amounts of vitamin D D Getting enough vi- tamin tamin D D can be difficult for those who eat a a a a a a a a a a plant-based diet Mushrooms are a a a a a a a a nice little trick but they’re not enough on on their own – you probably won’t eat that much Plenty of sunlight and supplements during the the dark months of the the year are a a a a a a a a more reliable way to get your vitamin D All mushrooms contain vitamin vitamin D D but the the content varies greatly depending on on where the the the mushroom mushroom was growing Vitamin D forms when the the the mushroom mushroom mushroom is exposed to UV radiation In other words mushrooms produce natural vitamin D when exposed to sunlight just like we do Examples of vitamin D-rich mushrooms are chanterelles chanterelles trumpet chanterelles chanterelles porci- ni blushing wood mushrooms and and portabel- los (the same kinds of mushroom) and and culti- vated white mushrooms (depending on how they are grown) /mimmi
september in moonvalley

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