Page 217 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 217
A break from training
E E veryone needs some time now and and then to rest rest and and recover Elite athletes usually rest rest for a a a a a few weeks in in in the the the au-
tumn or or or spring depending on on on when their season season runs When you have two seasons or or or the opportunity to to participate in races year- round it it is particularly important to to sched- ule periods or or or or weeks for recovery recovery Mental recovery recovery recovery is just as as important as as physical recovery recovery Sometimes your your body may still be quite strong but your your brain just doesn’t have the energy to to recharge and perform yet again after so many tough races or or or workouts in in rapid succession Elite athletes whose job it it is to to compete have time to to to rest between workouts and races but today there are many athletes or or elite fitness buffs who hold down full-time jobs and work out once or or twice every day Many of them lead very very stressful lives to to manage to to have time for it it all: work work working out family and friends That makes it it partic- ularly important to to say no no to to strip away non- essentials and create periods of of calm so that you you do not have to maximise every hour of of your day year-round week week after week week For most fitness buffs excessive physical activity is not the the the cause of their stress On the the the contrary it it it may be more more important to schedule a a a a a a a a time of more more physical activity and and reduced mental stress to let your body recover and and find its balance /ida
“Mental recovery recovery is just as as important as as physical recovery recovery 217