Page 86 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 86
Once your client wakes up from their lash nap looking like they’re about to
grace the cover of Vogue, it’s pretty much in their hands! You could have done
everything so perfectly that the lash gods themselves are shaking, but if your
client doesn’t treat them with the care and attention they deserve, you might as
well have stuck the lashes on with a wish and a promise for all the good they’re
about to do them! So, what do you tell them?
This is a big one. Back in the early days of lash extensions the advice was to not
get them wet, ever - obviously now, we all know that’s a little bit silly (read:
TERRIBLE ADVICE) - once the glue is dry, it’s water resistant and will not mind
encountering water, even a little bit. The fact of the matter is that cleaning our
lashes is something we should ALL be doing, and something we should ALL be
telling our clients. For one thing, oils and makeup residue can build up and are
so gross to clean when they come back to you, equal parts crusty and
shimmery in the lash region. Not only is this taking away valuable treatment
time - we recommended they are given the foam cleanser to go and wash their
lashes with before even coming close to the bed - but oils can get between the
glue bond and the natural lash, causing the extensions to just slide right off.
As well as this, there are a whole host of health issues that can arise from not
cleaning our lashes properly, from infections such as blepharitis to literal bugs
that live in your lashes and eat them - I’m not kidding.
Foam cleanser is gentle, oil free and it really gets in between the lashes giving
you a deeeeeeep clean. After cleansing, pat dry with a towel and brush with a
mascara wand. Give the wand a little wiggle for optimal fluffage!
Some of us like to fiddle with things, but our lashes shouldn’t be one of them!
Apart from messing with retention, picking at your extensions can pull out the
natural lashes from the root - these lashes may then never grow back.
Some people have a certain type of anxiety disorder which causes them to pick
at their hair and lashes - it can’t be helped but it can still be damaging. For these
clients, perhaps suggest something like Lash Filler which will give them less to
pick at and note that asking for help is always okay.