Page 85 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 85
Steam Rooms and Saunas.
Yes, heat and humidity cure your glue. But extreme heat can also soften the
glue - not only can this weaken the bonds, but it can cause more fumes to be
released, which reopens the possibility of an allergic reaction and of irritation.
Extreme heat can also affect the curl of the lashes, so watch out for any
flattening of the lashes - heat could well be the culprit!
Oily Products.
We’ve touched on this briefly, but it’s always worth reiterating! Oil won’t break
down glue, but it can sneak in between the glue and the lashes, making them
slide right off. If you’ve got an oily client, it’s great to use Booster to open the
hair fiber and give the glue more to attach to.
Getting Them Wet For 24 Hours.
Glue will mostly be dry in 8 hours, but if we tell clients 8 hours, they will be
submerging their entire face in a swimming pool within 4, so add extra time just
in case! If you do have clients who like to swim/shower/cry shortly after
treatment, try adding Super bonder at the end of your treatment to instantly
cure the glue whilst keeping it flexible, not brittle. Then they can swim (or cry) to
their heart’s content.
These next points aren't really things you can tell your client to change in so far
as some people do have periods, and some people do smoke. You can just look
out for these things if a client tells you, they have had poor retention.
Whether it’s pregnancy, or Aunt Flow is in town for the week, hormone levels
can play havoc with retention. Skin can become oilier; the hairs’ growth rate can
speed up causing lash loss more quickly.
While there isn’t really a lot of research on this, smoking can make a difference
to the lash retention. This is most likely due to the chemicals in cigarette smoke,
and the little bursts of heat close to the lashes at semi-regular intervals.