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A FLE22 Cat P 100 Gas Equipment.qxp_Gas Equipment  1/20/22  7:51 PM  Page 1

                     Gas Equipment

              Heavy-Duty Outfits and Packs                                                        Heavy-duty tips
                                                                                                                   Max. Metal      Cutting
                                                                                                  Stock         Thickness         Jet Drill
                                                Combination torch outfits                         Number      Inches (mm)    Size
                                                Outfits include just about everything needed for your cutting,   Acetylene Cutting
                                                heating, welding or brazing project.              SC12-00    3/16 (5)          68
                                                 Heavy-duty combination torch with nickel plating to deflect    SC12-0       3/8 (10)          62
                                                 heat and Flo-Trol  safety device which prevents reverse flow of   SC12-1       5/8 (16)          56
                                                                                                  SC12-2       1-1/4 (32)       54
                                                 mixed gases
                                                                                                  SC12-3       2 (51)              51
                                                 Heavy-duty Series 40  regulators (HBA-40XXX) OR medium-duty
                                                                                                  SC12-4       4 (102)            45
                                                 Series 30  regulators (HBA-30XXX)                SC12-5       8 (203)            41
                                                 Heavy-duty tips with in-tip gas mixing design for operator safety   SC12-6       12 (305)          32
                                                 Graf-Tite  soft-seat cutting tips maintain positive seating for   Propane/Natural Gas Cutting
                                                 longer use even if tip is nicked                 SC50-0       3/8 (10)          62
                                                 Torch-mount flashback arrestors (acetylene outfits) OR    SC50-1       5/8 (16)          56
                                                 regulator-mount check valves (propane outfit) for added safety    SC50-2       1-1/4 (32)       54
                          HBA-40510              Cuts up to 8 inches (203 mm) with optional tips  SC50-3       2 (51)              51
                                                                                                  SC50-4       4 (102)            45
                                                                                                  SC50-5       8 (203)            41
                                                                                                  SC50-6       12 (305)          32
                                                Combination torch and tips packs                  SC50-7       14 (354)          28
                                                Packs are an easy and economic way to update or change your   SC50-8       18 (457)          17
                                                                                                  SC50-9       20 (508)          3
                                                oxy-fuel system. Available with cutting, heating and welding tips
                                                OR multiple cutting tips.                         Propylene Cutting
                                                 Heavy-duty combination torch with nickel plating to deflect    SC60-0       3/8 (10)           62
                                                 heat and Flo-Trol  safety device which prevents reverse flow of   SC60-1       5/8 (16)          56
                                                                                                  SC60-2       1-1/4 (32)       54
                                                 mixed gases                                      SC60-3       2 (51)              51
                                                 Heavy-duty tips with in-tip gas mixing design for operator safety   SC60-4       4 (102)            45
                                                 Graf-Tite  soft-seat cutting tips maintain positive seating for   SC60-5       8 (203)            41
                                                 longer use even if tip is nicked                 SC60-6       12 (305)          32
                                                 Torch-mount flashback arrestors for added safety   Acetylene Gouging
                                                 Cuts up to 8 inches (203 mm) with optional tips  SC13-3       3/8 (10) wide, 1/4 (6) deep
                                                                                                  Propane/Natural Gas Gouging
                                                                                                  SC23-3       3/8 (10) wide, 1/4 (6) deep
                                                                                                  Propylene Gouging
                                                Cutting torch outfits                             SC23-3M    3/8 (10) wide, 1/4 (6) deep
                                                Hand cutting torch outfits are built for the toughest jobs.    Acetylene Heating
                                                 Heavy-duty hand cutting torch with nickel plating to deflect heat,   ST602        40,000 Btu
                                                 reversible (top or bottom) mount cutting lever, and an ease-on   ST603        72,000 Btu
                                                 oxygen feature that reduces slag blowback when piercing   ST605        125,000 Btu
                                                 Heavy-duty Series 40  regulators with gauge guards (HBS outfits)   ST610        195,000 Btu
                                                 OR medium-duty Series 30  regulators (HBAS outfits)    Acetylene Welding
                                                 Graf-Tite  soft-seat cutting tips maintain positive seating for   SW201       1/32 in. (0.7 mm)
                                                 longer use even if tip is nicked, and in-tip gas mixing for added   SW203       5/64 in. (1.9 mm)
                                                 resistance to flashbacks                         SW205       1/8 in. (3 mm)
                                                                                                  SW207       3/16 in. (5 mm)
                                                 Torch-mount flashback arrestors (HBAS outfits) for added safety    SW209       3/8 in. (10 mm)
                                                 Cuts up to 12 inches (305 mm) with optional tips  SW210       1/2 in. (13 mm)
                                                                                                  Visit or your distributor
               (HBS outfits are not shown, see chart for items included)
                                                                                                  for additional tips, options and accessories.
              Outfit/Pack   Stock Number   Fuel   Oxygen Regulator   Fuel Gas Regulator   Torch   Cut Tip   Heat Tip   Weld Tip   Accessories
              Combination    HBA-40510   Acetylene   40-175-540   40-15-510   SC209/WH200A   SC12-1, SC12-2  ST602   SW205   25 ft. (7.6 m), 1/4 in. (6 mm) “R”-grade hose, lighter,
              Torch Outfits                                                                  shade 5 safety glasses, tip cleaner and flashback arrestors
                         HBA-40300                 40-15-300

                         HBA-30510       30-100-540   30-15-510   SC209/WH200A   SC12-1   ST602   SW205   25 ft. (7.6 m), 1/4 in. (6 mm) “R”-grade hose, lighter,
                         HBA-30300                 30-15-300                                 shade 5 safety glasses, tip cleaner and flashback arrestors

                         HBA-30510LP   Propane/   30-100-540   30-50-510   SC209/WH200A   SC40-1   ST615   —   20 ft. (6.1 m), 1/4 in. (6 mm) “T”-grade hose, lighter,
                                 natural gas                                                 shade 5 safety glasses, tip cleaner and check valves
              Combination Torch    16206   Acetylene   —   —   SC209/WH200A   SC12-1   ST602   SW203   H743 flashback arrestors
              and Tips Packs
                         16280                                          SC12-0, SC12-1  —   —
              Cutting Torch   HBS-H510S   Acetylene  40-175-540S   40-15-510S   SC229   SC12-2   —   —   Hard Hat ™  gauge guards
              Outfits                                                                        (denoted by “S” designation at end of regulator number)
                         HBS-H300S                 40-15-300S
                         HBAS-30510      30-100-540  30-15-510   SC229  SC12-1   —     —     20 ft. (6.1 m), 3/16 in. (5 mm) “R”-grade hose, lighter,
                         HBAS-30300                30-15-300                                 shade 5 safety glasses, tip cleaner and flashback arrestors
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