Page 118 - millerwelds catalog_2022
P. 118

Accessories                                                                 For more detailed
                                                                                            information, visit

     Automated MIG  118                  Load Banks  121                      Stick Accessory Kits  123

     Cable Connectors and Adapters  118/125   MIG Accessories  121            Submerged Arc Accessories  123
                                           Machine and Gun Accessory Kits   Protective Covers    Cables   Torch Accessories
     Carts, Cylinder Racks and Running Gear
                                                                               Wire Drive Assembly Accessories
     118–120                             Plasma Cutter Accessories  122
                                           Automation Kits   Cables and Cable Covers    TIG Accessories  124–125
     Coolmate Coolant Systems  119
                                           Cutting Guides   Filters   Plugs and Cords     Kits   Protective Case/Covers   Remote Controls
                                           Protective Case   Torches           Torch and Weld Cable Connectors
     Engine Drive Accessories  120–121
      Big Blue Accessories   Blue Star and Fusion Accessories    Process Selector Control/Polarity Switch  123   Wire Feeder Accessories  126
      Bobcat and Trailblazer Accessories                                       Extension Cables (14-pin)   Power Supply Adapter
      Generator Accessories   Protective Covers    Remote Controls and Wireless Remote Controls     Spool Adapter   Spool Gun Controls and Kits
      Remote Output Panel Kit   Trailers   123–125                             Wire Straightener

     Automated MIG                                  Tweco ® /Dinse Adapter    210061            Dual EZ-Change ™
                                                    One-piece adapter with male Tweco-style     Low Cylinder Rack with
     For adapters and drive motors, visit
                                                    plug (to power source) on one end and       Elevated Gun and Cable
                  Coolant Flow Switch    195461   female Dinse-style receptacle (for weld cable connection)   Rack    300337
                  For water-cooled guns. To ensure   on other end.                              For Millermatic 252 and
                  coolant is flowing in the system.                                             Syncrowave 210. Allows
                  A lack of coolant flow may cause                                              operators to easily roll
                  damage to water-cooled guns.   Carts, Cylinder Racks and Running Gear         cylinders on and off the rack
     Module allows wiring into the peripheral connector port.    Also see Engine Drive Accessories on page 120.   with no lifting and keeps
     50-foot (15.2 m) cable with connector and separate shell                                   cables off the floor and
     connector for simple modification to desired length in the   Feeder Cart    142382         tangle free. Elevated Gun
     field. Quarter-turn quick connection.                 A low-profile creeper cart           and Cable Rack (300335)
                                                           which allows the operator
                                                                              is also available separately for use with factory-installed
                                                           to easily move the feeder
     Cable Connectors and Adapters                         around the work area.   single-cylinder rack.
     Also see Torch and Weld Cable Connectors in                                                EZ-Latch ™  Single Cylinder
     TIG Accessories on page 125.                          Universal Cart and                   Running Gear    301449
                                                           Cylinder Rack    042934              For Millermatic 255 and
     For AlumaPower 350 MPa, Invision 352 MPa, XMT 350,
                                                           For Invision 352 MPa,                Multimatic 235/255.
     CST, Syncrowave, Maxstar and Dynasty. These power
                                                           XMT 350, CST, Diversion,             Running gear with a single-
     sources are equipped with Dinse- or Tweco-style connectors
                                                           Maxstar 210/280 and                  cylinder rack and storage
     for secondary connections.
                                                           Dynasty 210/300.                     compart ment. Machine is
     Dinse-Style Connector Kits                            Accom modates a                      secured to cart by latches
     042418  Accepts #4 to #1/0 AWG cable                  single gas cylinder up to            that rotate to disengage
     042533  Accepts #1/0 to #2/0 AWG cable                56 inches (1,422 mm)                 machine for easy portability.
     Kits include one male Dinse-style plug which attaches to   high measuring 6 to 9 inches (152 to 229 mm) in   EZ-Latch ™  Dual Cylinder
     the work and/or weld cables and plugs into the female   diameter. Also provides storage for auxiliary items such as
     Dinse-style receptacles on the power source.   electrodes, helmets and gloves.             Rack Running Gear
     Extension Kit for Dinse-Style Cable Connectors        Running Gear/Cylinder                For Millermatic 255 and
     042419  Accepts #4 to #1/0 AWG cable                  Rack    301239                       Multimatic 235/255.
     Used to adapt or extend weld and/or work cables. Kit   For Millermatic 141/211,            Similar to EZ-Latch Single
     includes one male Dinse-style plug and one in-line female   Multimatic 200/215 and         Cylinder Running Gear,
     Dinse-style receptacle.                               Diversion. Heavy-duty                but with a dual-cylinder rack
                                                           construction with 8-inch             and elevated gun/cable rack
     Extensions for Dinse-Style Cable Connectors
     134460  Male Dinse-style plug                         rubber rear wheels,                  to keep cables off the floor
                                                           convenient front handles,            and tangle free.
     136600  Female Dinse-style receptacle
     Used to adapt or extend weld and/or work cables.      cable holders and plastic            EZ-Latch ™  Dual Cylinder
                                                           consumable box. For gas
     Accepts #1/0 to #2/0 AWG cable.                                                            Rack with Elevated Gun
                                         cylinders no greater than 7 inches (178 mm) in diameter or   and Cable Rack    301481
                      Tweco ® -Style Connector      65 pounds (29.5 kg) in weight.
                      191981                                                                    For Millermatic 255/355
                      Accepts #1/0 to #2/0 AWG             Dual Cylinder Rack Cart              and Multimatic 235/255.
     cable. Kit includes one male Tweco-style plug which   951770                               Converts an EZ-Latch Single
     attaches to the work and/or weld cables and plugs into the   For Millermatic 141/211,      Cylinder Running Gear into
                                                           Multimatic 200/215/220               an EZ-Latch Dual Cylinder
     female Tweco-style receptacles on the power source.
                                                           AC/DC and Diversion. Similar         Rack Running Gear including
               Dinse/Tweco ®  Adapter  042465              to Running Gear/Cylinder             the elevated gun/cable rack
               Dinse/Cam-Lok Adapter 042466                Rack, but with dual-cylinder         to keep cables off the floor
               One-piece adapter with male Dinse-style     rack and a bracket that              and tangle free.
     plug (to power source) on one end and female Tweco-    holds a variety of tools. Dual
     or Cam-Lok-style receptacle (for weld cable connection)    Cylinder Rack Conversion Kit and Tool Holder (301454)
     on other end.                       is also available separately for use with Running Gear/
                                         Cylinder Rack 301239 above.
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