Page 123 - millerwelds catalog_2022
P. 123

A FLE22 Cat P 123 Accessories.qxp_Accessories  1/20/22  9:22 PM  Page 1

                   Process Selector Control/Polarity Switch  Submerged Arc Accessories      Torch Accessories
                                     Process Selector Control                               OBT 600 Torch Body Extensions
                                     042872                                                 043967  1 inch (25.4 mm)
                                     For CC, CV or CC/CV welding                            043969  2 inch (50.8 mm)
                                     power source. Provides an                              043973  4 inch (101.6 mm)
                                     easy way to change the                                 043975  6 inch (152.4 mm)
                                     welding process. Also for
                                                                                            OBT 1200 Torch Body Extension    043981
                   use with dual wire feeders or any application where
                                                       SubArc Control Cables                Overall length with extension is 9 inches (228.6 mm).
                   electrical isolation and/or polarity reversing of weld current
                                                       260622030  30 ft. (9.1 m)            Actual length of extension is 8.5 inches (215.9 mm).
                   is required. Both functions can be used at the same time.
                                                       260622050  50 ft. (15 m)
                                                                                            OBT Torch Contact Tips
                                                       260622060  60 ft. (18.3 m)
                                                                                            OBT 600          OBT 1200       Wire Size
                                                       260622080  80 ft. (24.4 m)
                   Remote Controls                     260622100  100 ft. (30.5 m)          192700           192141           1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
                                                                                            192701           199026           5/64 in. (2.0 mm)
                   Also see Remote Controls in TIG Accessories on pages    260622120  120 ft. (36.6 m)
                                                                                            192702           192142           3/32 in. (2.4 mm)
                   124 and 125.                        260622200  200 ft. (61.0 m)
                                                                                            192703           200771           7/64 in. (2.8 mm)
                                                       Cable between SubArc Interface or Motor Control and
                              PRHC-14 Hand Control    195511                                192704           192143           1/8 in. (3.2 mm)
                                                       power source.
                              For all solid-state power sources after                       192705           192144           5/32 in. (4.0 mm)
                              serial number JK674521. Complete                              1200-Amp Twin-Wire Torch Contact Tips
                              current or voltage control brings                             264595  3/64 in. (1.2 mm)
                              120 volts of GFCI power to work area                          264596  1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
                              in a single cord. Housed in a durable                         264597  5/64 in. (2.0 mm)
                              and light alu minum case and includes   Flux Hopper Extension Cables       264588  3/32 in. (2.4 mm)
                              125-foot (38 m) cord with plugs.   260623010  10 ft. (3 m)
                                                       260623025  25 ft. (7.6 m)
                                                       260623065  65 ft. (19.8 m)           Wire Drive Assembly Accessories
                   Stick Accessory Kits                Cable between SubArc Interface or Motor Control and    Drive Rolls
                                                       flux hopper.                         132955  1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
                                                                                            132960  5/64 in. (2.0 mm)
                                                                                            132961  3/32 in. (2.4 mm)
                                                                                            132962  7/64 in. (2.8 mm)
                                                                                            132963  1/8 in. (3.2 mm)
                                                       Motor Extension Cables               193700  5/32 in. (4.0 mm)
                                                       254232005  5 ft. (1.5 m)
                   No. 2 Stick Cable Sets
                   195196  15 ft. (4.6 m)              254232010  10 ft. (3 m)                      Single-Wire Straightener    199733
                                                       254232025  25 ft. (7.6 m)                    For OBT 600 and OBT 1200 single-wire
                   300836  50 ft. (15 m)
                   Consists of either 15- or 50-foot electrode cable with holder   254232065  65 ft. (19.8 m)   torches. For 1/16–5/32 inch
                                                       Cable between SubArc Interface or Motor Control and    (1.6–4.0 mm) wire.
                   and work cable with clamp. 200 A, 100% duty cycle.
                                                       drive motor.

                                                                                                    Twin-Wire Straightener    301160
                                                                                                    For 1200-amp twin-wire torch only.
                                                                                                    Single adjustment.

                                                       Continuum Motor/Control Cables
                   2/0 Stick Cable Sets
                                                       263368015  15 ft. (4.6 m)
                   173851  50 ft. (15 m), 350 A
                   043952  100/50 ft. (30/15 m), 300 A   263368025  25 ft. (7.6 m)
                                                       263368050  50 ft. (15 m)
                   Consists of either 50- or 100-foot electrode cable with holder
                   and 50-foot work cable with clamp. 100% duty cycle.   263368080  80 ft. (24.4 m)
                                                       263368100  100 ft. (30.5 m)
                                                       Cable between SubArc Motor Control and
                                                       SubArc Remote Pendant.
                                                                                            Manual Single Slide    301137

                                                                                            Provides smooth and accurate movement of the welding
                                                                      SubArc Parallel Cable
                                                                                            heads. Allows for 7.87 inch (200 mm) travel adjustment
                                                                      260775015  15 ft. (4.6 m)
                                                                                            with load capacity of 220 pounds (100 kg) at 1.64 feet

                   Weld Cables                                                              (500 mm). Not recommended for tandem.
                   195457  2/0 cable with electrode holder, 400 A
                   195458  2/0 cable with work clamp, 400 A
                                                                      SubArc Tandem Cable                  Wire Reel    108008
                   301387  1/0 cable with electrode holder, 250 A       260878015  15 ft. (4.6 m)
                   Consists of a stud/Tweco® adapter and 10-foot (3 m)                                     Supports 60-pound (27 kg)
                                                                                                           coil of wire. Requires Spool
                   weld cable with a male Tweco-style plug and either
                   an electrode holder or work clamp.                                                      Support Assembly (119438).

                                 2/0 Weld Cable Extensions
                                 195456  50 ft. (15 m)
                                 195455  100 ft. (30 m)
                                 Extends weld cables
                                 (195457, 195458 and 301387).
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