Page 15 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary
P. 15

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

                               Living organisms are classified into

     Producers                          Consumers                     Decomposers

  Make thier own               Eat other living organisms  Breaking down dead organisms
food such as plants             (plants and animals) to    like fungi, bacteria,worms and
                                        get energy

Primary consumes               • Eat plants like insects

Secondary consumer             • Eat primary consumes like birds

Tertiary consumers             • Eat secondary consumers like crocodiles

►Food chain
It is a model that shows one linear set of feeding relationships between living


Grass                          mouse  snake                          hawks

• The energy from the sun passes to the grass then to the mouse and snake then to hawk.

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