Page 17 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary
P. 17

Delta Modern Language Schools  Unit (1) concept (3)
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

                        Changes in food web

• Ecosystem and food webs are can be affected by:

         Climate changes

        Human activities

 • Pollution:- it is the harms that happen to air, water or land by substances that harm

    living organisms.

• What happen to a food web when an organism or environment changes?

     All organisms may be affected, if plants disappeared the consumers will move to other
    Places to search for food or they will die.

• Human activities affect marine Habitats through: -

      Over fishing
    Water pollution

• How do we protect the marine environment?

  1- Control human activities on land by avoid throwing waste materials in ocean.
  2- Stop over fishing of coral reefs.

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