Page 12 - JULY 2021 NEWSLETTER
P. 12
WORK Our students were distributed across
EXPERIENCE 30 top notch organizations in and out
of state.
PROGRAM This program is run with a structured
monitoring timetable for staff visits
while our students are provided with
logbooks to be signed daily by their
As part of our leadership training in direct supervisor(s).
building our students' portfolios, we Interestingly, the scope of this
have overtime developed the tradition program has been expanded to cater
of exposing our students to a work to students who are willing to partake
experience/internship program after in this exercise in the comfort of their
their final exams. Our vision is to help respective homes due to Covid-19.
them gain first-hand organization
experience while putting to practice Below are pictures of some students
leadership skills they have developed partaking in this scheme which they
during their time at TRC. were required to submit as evidence.