P. 8


   V  A  L  E  D  I  C  T  O  R  I  A  N  -     C  A  N  A  D  I  A  N     F  O  U  N  D  A  T  I  O  N
   P  R  O  G  R  A  M  M  E     (  O  S  S  D  )
   Robert Harold Schuller once
   said, ‘tough times never last                   First, I would like to thank Mrs. A
   but  tough  people  do.’  The                   for  envisioning  the  success  of
   class of 2021, we have finally                  the  Regent  family,  for  being  the
   made    it!   Although  I  was  slightly  overwhelmed  backbone  of  what  Regent  is
   sometimes  we  thought  that  by the number of people in  today, for working hard to make
   we would never make it, that  the school and the number  sure we all have the opportunity
   this  day  was  too  far  away  of new faces I came across.  to experience the highest quality
   and would never come, here  Although  there  were  some  of  education  possible.  I  would
   we  are  celebrating  together  familiar faces, the new faces  like  to  thank  Mrs.  Ebiai  for
   as  we  enter  a  whole  new  significantly   outweighed  convincing  me  to  switch  to  this
   chapter of our lives that we  them. I met people whom I  programme   as   she   saw
   always knew was coming but  thought  were  quiet  and  something  in  me  that  no  one
   did not know it was coming  calm  at  first  but  who  else  did.  Mr.  Tim,  the  Head  of
   this   soon.   Over   this  eventually  started  to  show  OSSD;  thank  you  for  tolerating
   academic  year,  we  have  their true colours and that’s  all our complaints, questions and
   endured  so  much  from  exactly why they say ‘Do not  general nagging. Mr. Henry, Mr.
   having  to  meet  up  with  judge a book by its cover.’   Monday, Mr. Soji, Mr. Ikonoh and
   multiple   deadlines,   to                      Mrs. Pauline thank you all for the
   having  to  pay  Mr.  Tim’s  Having  been  in  lockdown  support,   your   belief   and
   debts  as  he  would  always  for  so  long,  I  was  not  confidence  in  my  abilities.  You,
   say: “you owe me,” referring  prepared to start answering  have all laid a foundation for my
   to the assignments we were  or asking the typical ‘getting  future  success.  Once  again,  I
   yet  to  complete.  Mr.  Tim,  I  to know you’ questions. So, I  thank you.
   hope  we  have  successfully  often  just  found  myself
   paid our debts. If that’s a no,  sticking  to  the  people  I  To my fellow OSSD classmates, I
   sorry to say it’s too late now.   already knew but eventually,  am  so  proud  of  us  for  coming
                           I  started  to  open  up  and  this  far.  I  remember  times  we
   I am honoured to stand here  that’s  something  I  would  almost  gave  up  but  look  at  us
   as  a  valedictorian  of  the  never  regret  doing.  As  a  now, all the hard work has paid
   Class  of  2021,  and  I  am  result,  I  was  able  to  form  off. Last but not least, I would like
   humbled  to  reflect  on  our  tight  bonds  with  amazing  to  thank  my  family  whose  love,
   journey  and  to  thank  those  people in this school, bonds  support  and  nurturing  have
   who  have  supported  us  that will never break.  contributed   towards   my
   along the way.                                  achievements  and  also  helped
                           This  speech  will  not  be  me  become  the  person  I  am
   This  year  was  a  very  tough  complete  if  I  do  not  today.  I  would  like  to  thank  my
   one  to  get  through.  Due  to  appreciate  the  people  who  Grandma  who  strongly  believes
   COVID-19  restrictions,  the  have helped me throughout  in  the  power  of  education,
   first half of term 1 was spent  this journey.   success and hard work especially
   behind   our   computer                         for  women  and  my  beautiful  "13 years of representing the Regent name, be it
   screens,  at  home;  joining                    hard-working   mother   for
   classes  half  asleep,  using                   supporting   and   endlessly   within the school premises or outside it,
   having  ‘bad  network  issues’                  motivating  me  to  achieve  my
   as  an  excuse  to  avoid                       goals and beyond. Without her, I
   answering  questions,  Mr.                      would not have been where I am  13 years of experience, drive and motivation has
   Monday  urging  us  to  turn                    today, thank you mama.       built me into the person I am today and paved
   on  our  cameras,  which  we
   never really did. As you can                                                 the way for me to achieve things I would have
   see,  it  was  a  very  unusual                                              never thought I was capable of achieving, for
   first  half  term  of  school.
   Although  we  were  doing                                                     example, standing on this stage, behind this
   virtual  classes,  for  me                                                  podium, talking to all of you as valedictorian of
   school  really  started  when
   we  resumed  physically  on                                                 the first set of OSSD students in the history of
   the 2nd of November 2020. I                                                            The Regent College,
   was so happy to be back in
   school  to  actually  see  my
   classmates physically and to                                                 13 years of meeting amazing people along the
   actually  learn  something.  I
   mean, if we are forced to go                                                way. People that have made and still continue to
   to school, then, at least, let’s                                             make a significant impact in my life - I do not
   do it properly.
                                                                                 know what I would do without my friends,
                                                                                         teachers and principals,

                                                                                  13 years of being a part of this wonderful
                                                                                institution, being a part of the Regent family."

                                                                                              Thank you.
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