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however, I regret to say that this idea worked no greater than that of before. With this
new way of pronouncing, individuals altered the form in contrasting ways than before.
Leaving me in utter despair, I was soon to lose hope on solving this dilemma. CªÀÄÆ®å fêÀªÀÅ
I later found myself gathering all my courage, to end all this pain. As I edged towards
my parents, a flood of emotion swarmed my mind. All my ideas had now reached an
end, and I was down to my last hope: I was going to ask my parents for a name change. Published in Prajavani
Sept 30, 2018
As I recited my words to my parents, I braced myself for the answer I would receive.
But what happened afterwards will always remain in my heart. My father said: “If you
believe so, yes, but remember whatever you change it to, there will always be some
difficulty that holds within.”
But after much thinking, I had a change in heart. A new understanding of the situation. PÀ²äÃgÁ gÉrØ
If there was one thing that I have learned from my family, it’s that we never give up. It ¥ÀzÀå
just was not in my heart to take the easy solution. In the past, I was able to experience
situations that gave me extraordinary prowess. From feeling exasperated to then finding ¤Ã¯ÁPÁ±ÀzÀ vÀÄA§ ©½ ªÉÆÃqÀUÀ¼Ál,
a newfound hope, I learned much in my quest to uncover the truth of my name. ºÀ¹gÀÄ VqÀªÀÄgÀUÀ¼À vÀÆUÀÄAiÀiÁå¯É,
In 6th Grade, I began to slowly help individuals progress into saying my name correctly.
Little did I know that people could pronounce fluently when they read the name on ªÀtðgÀAfvÀ ªÉÄà ºÀÆUÀ¼À ¯Á¸Àå
paper. Soon many people around me were able to say my name accurate to its true
pronunciation. Some people were able to pronounce it perfectly. ¸ËAzÀAiÀÄðªÉà ªÀÄÆwðªÉvÀÛAwzÀÝ D ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ ªÀÄ»¼É,
I later realized that it was not just my name that had caused all this dismay. But rather ¥ÉîªÀ ªÉÆUÀzÀ®Æ «Ä£ÀÄUÀĪÀ ¨ÉZÀÑ£É £ÀUÉ, D £ÀUÉAiÀÄ°è fêÀ£ÀzÀ ºÀ¹ªÀÅ,
my lack of determination and self-doubt that progressed into this situation. The case
was not the problem of those around me; but a situation created only by myself. If not CªÀ¼À WÀ£ÀªÉvÀÛ ªÀåQÛvÀéªÀ PÀAqÀÄ ºÉªÉÄä
for the careful path I had taken, if not for my understanding of the journey, if not for the
beauty of a name so gracefully chosen by my family, I would not live to tell this tale. A CªÀ¼À ¦æÃwAiÀÄ ªÉʱÁ®åPÉÌ ¸ÀÆAiÀÄð ZÀAzÀægÀ ºÉƼÀºÀÄ,
tale of a name that changed a life. PÁ®ZÀPÀæªÀÅ PÀgÀV¹gÀ°®è ¸ËAzÀAiÀÄð, PÀgÀÄuÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß
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¸ÀéUÀðPÉÌÃjvÀÄ CªÀÄÆ®å fêÀªÀÅ a£ÀßzÀ ªÉÄlÖ¯ÉÃj,
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