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Sai Prakash

                  I attended the VPA Convention in Chicago in 1999, a full decade ago, speaking at the
               Business Forum. Good to know that this time you have the CM himself coming. . .

               Geetha and Mohan Kumar  Sonne  Gowda

                  *Incredibly conducted Convention which gave memories for life*
                  We never thought a convention of this scale could be executed with such precision.
               The Convention was very well planned, to each detail and executed to the satisfaction
               of everyone involved. It was one of the best Conventions I have attended - huge variety
               of food with homemade taste, variety of events, quality of performances, location of

               the event, stage setup, sound quality, and so on. The cherry on the cake was the Kempe
               Gowda Vaibhava (KGV) by Dr. Sanjay Shantaram. It educated us on Kempe Gowda and his
               contributions in a well-told story, and my family had the opportunity to work, learn and
               perform with Dr. Sanjay which will be cherished for life. All in all - incredibly conducted
               Convention which gave memories for life!!

               Lata Prabhakar

                  This kind of Meravanige I have never seen, Mamatha Venkataswamy and all of your
               gang. Your hard work and team work made it a great success! Thank you all for giving us
               a exceptional VPA event. Happy to be part of this record event.

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               Shubha Narasaiah

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