Page 3 - Draft Collab IMMD _Neat
P. 3
All praise due to Allah, Almighty, the most
compassionate, lord of the world, who has given the
great blessing and guidance to finish this book on time
without any trouble. May peace and salutation always
be upon our noble prophet Muhammad SAW has shown
us in the right direction.
This book entitled "Let's Learn About Cause And
Effect" is presented to fulfill the requirement for the
service learning program in Instructional Material and
Media Development subject of 6th semester of English
Teacher Education Department at State Islamic
University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This book contains
several parts related to reading, writing, listening and
speaking skills. This book is suggested for Senior High
School students especially 11 grade of SMA An- Najiah
Surabaya as the cooperating school. illustrations and
exercises are provided, as well as the involvement of
digital technology to assist the English teaching and
learning process to be more interesting and meaningful.
Hopefully, this book can be useful for both the teacher
and the students. Any corrections and constructive
suggestions are welcomed. Thank you.
Surabaya, July 2022