Page 7 - Draft Collab IMMD _Neat
P. 7

Cause and Effect Formula

               Effect + Conjunction +                              Cause, + Conjunct + Effect


                Ela's eyes were red

            because she had been                                    It was cold, so we didn't go

         swimming in a chlorinated                                                swimming.

         Effect + Preposition + Noun                              Preposition + Noun Phrase,

                           Phrase                                                  + Effect

          I need to go back to John’s                             Because of heavy fog at the

        house due to the heavy rain.                                 airport, we had to stay in

                                                                        London an extra day.

                                       Cause. + Transition, +


                                    The food delivery was not
                                   coming yesterday. Hence, I

                                        ordered another one.
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