Page 31 - MVCC Publisher File 10 15 2020
P. 31

When  considering  our  country’s  most  respected  golf  courses;  Augusta  National,  Pine  Valley,
          Shinnecock Hills, Oakmont, Merion and Cypress Point, each has its own identifiable style, memo-
          rability and natural features. We feel Mount Vernon Country Club has many of these, they just
          need be developed and expanded upon.

          Through this Master Improvement Plan we will introduce an upgraded golf experience.  Yardage,
          shot values, irrigation and drainage are all important, but a golf course master plan should pro-
          vide more. It should describe to the membership a new and memorable golf experience challeng-
          ing not only the best players but offering playability for the average golfer. And more importantly,
          thoughtful consideration to the rhythm and beauty of the golf experience, its challenges, and en-
          hanced natural surroundings.

          We see tremendous potential at MVCC, and are encouraged to build upon your following suc-

          Congratulations on your understanding and desire to integrate the clubhouse campus design to
          the golf course. We understand The Mount Vernon Country Club aesthetic and experience se-
          quence needs to be improved from first entering the Club property through enjoying a post-round
          cocktail on the terrace.

          Congratulations on developing a young, active, and vibrant country club demographic. We under-
          stand membership is now at capacity with a young average member age (46) and 800 dependent
          members.  These demographics require greater casual outdoor spaces, improved swimming, and
          modern practice facilities.  While we are not clubhouse architects, Plans A, B, and C illustrate the
          necessary space can be attained without compromising the quality of the golf course.

          Congratulations on fostering a golfing culture that values walking (estimated at 75-80%).  We ex-
          pect to foster and enhance this important Club trait. Golf is a walking sport.

          Congratulations  on  your  recent  transition  to  warm  season  turf  and  intriguing  grassing
          schemes.  Continuation of this theme will support  the character envisioned within Draft Plans A,
          B, and C. It is beneficial to the environment and will provide maintenance savings into the future.

          The following three draft plans (A: minimal construction, B: moderate construction, and C: major
          construction) have been provided to respond to your RFP and provide a sense of our initial pro-
          posed direction for Mount Vernon County Club. We are excited to discuss and review them with
          you.  Until that time, our design goals and objectives are as follows:
          •  The clubhouse campus footprint is to be enlarged and patio space provided.
          •  The maintenance facility will  be rebuilt.  Consideration of RPA, flood plain, and the Wood-
             lawn Historic Overlay District constraints are to be considered.
          •  The swimming pool facilities are to be enhanced with a better relationship to the clubhouse
             and parking.
          •  Expanded golf practice opportunities are to be identified.
          •  Review the golf course to best compliment the clubhouse campus improvements as well as
             improving playability, strategy, and aesthetics throughout.

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