Page 26 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
P. 26
Representative Program:
Woodmont Country Club—North Course
1210 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852
The worksheet above summarized McDonald & Sons’ construc-
tion invoicing for Woodmont’s Phase I Improvements between
10/1/2018 and 2/28/2019.
The five worksheets to the left represent McDonald Design
Group/McDonald & Sons’ budget tracking document for the
same phased work.
We first create a detailed take-off of all required construction
units which generates the initial bid document. During con-
struction, each invoice period’s installed construction quanti-
ties are then measured against the base bid quantity for every
individual area of work (per hole/per bunker/etc.) to provide a
simultaneous budget tracking tool for not only the entire pro-
ject, but for each individual construction task.
Given our design/build business model, detailed take-offs and
total invoicing transparency are a must to form a true partner-
ship with each Club. Our track record of keeping our budgetary
promises is a substantial reason for our firms’ success and is
the foundation of the long lasting relationships we build with
our Clients.