Page 26 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
P. 26

Representative Program:

           Woodmont Country Club—North Course

           1210 Rockville Pike     Rockville, MD 20852

                                                     The worksheet above summarized McDonald & Sons’ construc-
                                                     tion invoicing for Woodmont’s Phase I Improvements between
                                                     10/1/2018 and 2/28/2019.

                                                     The  five  worksheets  to  the  left  represent  McDonald  Design
                                                     Group/McDonald  &  Sons’  budget  tracking  document  for  the
                                                     same phased work.

                                                     We first create a detailed take-off of all required construction
                                                     units  which  generates  the  initial  bid  document.    During  con-
                                                     struction,  each  invoice  period’s  installed  construction  quanti-
                                                     ties are then measured against the base bid quantity for every
                                                     individual area of work (per hole/per bunker/etc.) to provide a
                                                     simultaneous budget tracking tool for not only the entire pro-
                                                     ject, but for each individual construction task.

                                                     Given our design/build business model, detailed take-offs and
                                                     total invoicing transparency are a must to form a true partner-
                                                     ship with each Club.  Our track record of keeping our budgetary
                                                     promises  is  a  substantial  reason for our  firms’  success  and  is
                                                     the foundation of the long lasting relationships we build with
                                                     our Clients.

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