Page 1 - KINGLY Circular Loop_v2 new
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                                   WHAT DOES IT MEAN AND HOW DO WE KEEP THE PROMISE?

                                              THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT WE DO NOW

                                              The future depends on what we do now
                                              The future of our planet depends on how quickly and how effec-
                                              �vely we change the way we live.

                                              So Kingly has taken a leaf out of nature’s book. In the natural world,
                                              there are few straight lines but plenty of virtuous circles. Kingly has
                                              made a deliberate  choice to implement closed  circular loops in
                                              manufacturing, and to make every aspect of their business environ-
                                              mentally sustainable.

                                              Raw materials are ethically sourced and they’re choosing to design
                                              out pollu�on and waste.


        In the last century, the clever answer to big poli�cal ques�ons was usually, “It’s the economy, stupid”.
        True enough, but we also know that a healthy economy is a false economy if the world is sick. We need a
        healthy planet too.

        Tradi�onally, industries have used a straight line model of produc�on. That means extrac�ng or growing,
        using, and throwing away. And the target minimum price usually means maximum cost to the environment.
        In  contrast,  the  circular  economy  is  based  on  responsible  use  of  resources,  reusing,  re-purposing  and
        recycling. It’s a deliberate choice designed to reduce pollu�on and regenerate natural systems.

        It’s one of the most powerful ways to bring about change. Everyone can help.


        A circular economy creates value through efficient use of resources that have been responsibly sourced.
        It includes restora�ve ac�on in the landscape and the replan�ng of beneficial crops. It ensures con�nual
        use and products re-purposed into new life cycles.

        Thus,  demand  for  the  produc�on  and  consump�on  of  exploita�ve  raw  materials  is  constantly  under
        pressure to reduce. The trend gains momentum. Already, in Japan, it is obligatory to re-cycle all household
        appliances. This will spread, naturally, into other sectors.

        Kingly want that to happen in the garments industry. Today.
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