Page 3 - KINGLY Circular Loop_v2 new
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One of their ground-breaking products is up-cycled socks sold in compostable bags, which won the
pres�gious 2020 Promo�onal Gi� Award. One pair of upcycled socks saves a staggering 1200 litres of
water per pair and no dyes or chemicals are used in the upcycling process. Cartons and boxes use
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) cer�fied cardboard, and item tags are also FSC cer�fied card.
This way of doing business has clear benefits. Ini�ally it reduces waste, then cuts it to an absolute mini-
mum. It’s cleaner. Ecological impact is cut and the use and value of goods is increased. Over longer
periods of �me, significantly fewer resources are used. When waste is regenera�ve, keeping the loop
closed is easier and more efficient.
And for the scep�cs? Kingly’s ethical approach has led to an increase in sales volumes and profitability.
For maximum benefit it is essen�al to work collec�vely. Individual businesses must reach out to all
partners and establish virtuous and purposeful eco-systems. It can be hard, but it can be done, even if
it takes �me. All stakeholders have a part to play, regardless of size or market share, and it can work all
the way through supply chains.