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evolve notebooks
evolve medium Case-bound notebook with evolve eco Case-bound notebook with
size: 130 x 210mm ‘soft touch’ cover. 96 pages of size: medium (130x 210mm) ‘textured’ cover. 96 pages of
ivory paper, lined both sides. and B5 (176 x 250mm) white FSC graded recycled
Each high quality book comes paper, lined both sides.
complete with a ribbon Each high quality book comes
marker, colour co-ordinated complete with a ribbon
elastic fastener and pen loop. marker, colour co-ordinated
It also includes a practical elastic fastener and pen loop.
expandable pocket on the It also includes a practical
inside back cover, ideal for expandable pocket on the
holding tickets, receipts and inside back cover, ideal for
other useful paper items. holding tickets, receipts and
Individually presented in a other useful paper items.
clear bag.
P rice on application.
P rice on application. 100 minimum order quantity.
100 minimum order quantity. Embossing tool @ £50.00.
Embossing tool @ £50.00.
FROM FIVE Natural Mocha Vermillion Azure Forest
GREAT Stone Blue Green
evolve growbook Case-bound notebook with
size: medium (130x 210mm) ‘textured’ cover. 96 pages of
and B5 (176 x 250mm) white FSC graded recycled
paper, lined both sides.
Featuring a closed case
pocket with Black Pine
Seeds for planting and a
growing instruction sheet
Each high quality book comes
complete with a ribbon
marker, colour co-ordinated
elastic fastener and pen loop.
It also includes a practical
174 Entwistle Street
Manchester M34 1ZP
expandable pocket on the
T: 0161 567 891
inside back cover, ideal for
holding tickets, receipts and
other useful paper items.
P rice on application.
FROM FIVE Natural Mocha Vermillion Azure Forest 100 minimum order quantity.
GREAT Stone Blue Green Embossing tool @ £50.00.
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