Page 70 - Adpads_2023_Digital_Catalogue
P. 70

Made from recycled materials

        enviro-smart™ - deskpad                          50 sheets of recycled white        enviro-smart™ - shape sticky notes               50 sheets of recycled white
        Available in sizes                               paper. Glued at the foot. 12       Available in a variety of sizes                  sticky note paper.
        A2 and A3                                        standard designs available.                                                         P rice on application.
                                                         Price shown is for 1 colour print                                                   250 minimum order quantity.
                                                         on each sheet.                                                                      Cutting tool required for bespoke shapes
                                                         Guide price for A3 1000 @                                                           at extra cost.
                                                         £3.89                                                                               Turn to page 104 for our
                                                                                                                                             full range of shaped notes.
                                                         100 minimum order quantity.

                                                                                                        Our water based adhesive
                                                                                                        eradicates solvents from
                                                                                                        the production process.

        enviro-smart™ - smart pad                        50 sheets of recycled white        enviro-smart™ - index tabs                       Made with a recycled white
                                                                                                                                             or natural craft card cover,
        Available in a variety of sizes including  1/3rd A4, A4, A5, A6, A7,    paper.      size: 84 x 55mm                                  contains a set of recycled
        slim and keyboard.                               Price shown is for 1 colour print                                                   paper index tabs in four pastel
                                                         on each sheet.
                                                                                                                                             colours, each containing
                                                         Guide price for A4 1000 @                                                           40 sheets. Packed in a plain
                                                         £2.05                                                                               envelope.
                                                         100 minimum order quantity.                                                         Price shown is for 1 colour print
                                                                                                                                             on natural cover and each
                                                                                                                                             Guide price 1000 @
                                                                                                  Our water based adhesive
                                                                                                  eradicates solvents from                   100 minimum order quantity.
                                                                                                  the production process.
                                                                                                                                             Screens @ £40.00 per colour.
        enviro-smart™ - sticky notes                     50 sheets of recycled white        enviro-smart™ - index duo                        Made with a recycled white
        Available in a variety of sizes including 5”x 3”, A7, 3” x 3”, 68 x 75mm    sticky note paper.  size: A7                             or natural craft card cover,
        and A8                                           Price shown is for 1 colour print                                                   contains 50 sheets of recycled
                                                         on each sheet.                                                                      white sticky note paper and
                                                                                                                                             a set of recycled paper index
                                                         Guide price for A7 1000  @                                                          tabs in four pastel colours,
                                                         £0.69                                                                               each containing 40 sheets.
                                                         250 minimum order quantity.                                                         Price shown is for 1 colour print

                                                                                                                                             on natural cover and each
                                                                                                                                             Guide price for A7 1000  @
                    Our water based adhesive                                                      Our water based adhesive                   £2.23
                    eradicates solvents from                                                   stick  eradicates solvents from
                    the production process.                                                       the production process.                    100 minimum order quantity.
                                                                                                                                             Screens @ £40.00 per colour.
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