Page 11 - 5MB_Popcorn-Shed_Wholesale-5MB_Catalogue-Compact-2021
P. 11

Gourmet Sheds

           Berry-licious                            Goat’s Cheese                               Pop ‘n’ Choc                            Cherry Bakewell
                80g Shed                                  60g Shed                                   80g Shed                                  80g Shed
               10x80g-BL                                 10x60g-GC                                 10x80g-PC                                  10x80g-CB

    Caramel and raspberry popcorn                 Goat’s cheese and black                 Chocolate caramel popcorn                      Cherry and almond
          with dark chocolate.                        pepper popcorn.                    with Belgian milk chocolate.                      caramel popcorn.

               RRP: £3.50                                RRP: £3.50                                RRP: £3.50                                 RRP: £3.50

                                      | +44 (0)20 8629 1945 |
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