Page 124 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 124

A ll these hopes and plans were soon            another meeting was called so the dive op-     settled in 95 feet of water on her starboard
      dashed. The ship could not be sunk        erators could suggest an anchorage that, in    side. There was no fanfare because it was
because it was evidence for the Attorney        the event the ship should sink, it would be    not legally intended that the ship should
General’s office of the Netherlands Antil-      safe for navigation; cause the least amount    sink.
les. If the owner was proven innocent the       of coral damage; and possibly, become a
ship would have to be returned in the same      dive site.                                     B ecause the ship was being held as
shape it was in when confiscated.                                                                    evidence in a drug case, nothing was al-
                                                A fter many months of being tied to the        lowed to be touched. The Hooker sank with
T he Hooker, therefore, remained tied to              pier and pumped of water, on Sep-        everything on board. It is not one of those
      the pier as legal processes moved on.     tember 7, 1984 the Hooker was towed to         totally stripped wrecks made for diving
Of course, leaving this unmanned ship tied      an anchorage. As the days passed, a slight     but a true, honest-to-goodness shipwreck.
to a pier was not only expensive but also       list became noticeable. The list was even      This can create problems, though. The bunk
dangerous because of the many leaks in the      more obvious one morning. The owner was        rooms were still filled with debris such
very poorly kept hull. The owner apparently     still not coming forward to claim the ship     as beds, dressers and, occasionally, some
was not about to come forward to answer         and maintain it so the many leaks added up     articles of clothing. Many doors were still
questions and pay any maintenance or            until on the morning of September 12, 1984     attached and those made from steel can be
towing charges or dock time, not to men-        the Hilma Hooker began taking in water         hard to move. A great deal of caution and
tion possible jail time. It was necessary that  through her lower portholes. At 9:08 am she    discretion is necessary for anyone planning
something had to be done soon or the ship       rolled over on her starboard side and, in the  on diving the Hooker.
could sink right at the pier causing very ex-   next two minutes, disappeared.
pensive problems. A decision was made to                                                       F or those familiar with Bonaire, the wreck
move the Hooker to a permanent anchorage        A s spectacular a sight as it was, hardly           is in the area of the well known dive site
until all legal aspects were cleared. Owing           anyone watched the last few minutes      called Angel City. This is a system with an
to a great deal of foresight within both the    of the Hooker’s topside life. Within seconds   inner and an outer reef separated by white
government and the Bonaire Tourist Bureau,      after she disappeared from the surface she     sand. The Hooker rests on the sand bottom.
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