Page 126 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 126
O nly 90 minutes after she sank, the first line. It was obvious that little was done to of each is a huge cargo hold, completely
divers went down on the Hooker. The keep this ship in shape except for its one open, with no debris. Below the aft house
harbormaster of Bonaire wanted to know main job of making some quick money. An is the engine room: No one should venture
if the wreck was deep enough not to be a occasional drop of oil, mixed with the air here. Loose deck plates that once covered
navigation hazard. He needed this informa- bubbles, slowly made its way to the surface. the bilge, and many other objects, are cast
tion as soon as possible. Exactly 50 feet It was amazing how little oil there was. The about haphazardly. There are countless
of water was between the surface and the only real pollution from the wreck was an Items upon which a diver could very easily
ship, making it plenty safe for navigation odd piece of wood that someone will even- get hung up. Visibility is very low with virtu-
and diving. tually find washed up on shore on another ally no light penetrating the compartment.
island or coast.
A reddish brown haze surrounded the A lthough the shipwreck has areas that
lower half of the wreck as rust and dirt B oats showed up the next day with many are dangerous, it is still a wreck divers
settled out of the cargo holds. It was an anxious divers waiting to get a first look of all levels can fully enjoy if just a bit of
eerie feeling seeing a ship that was float- at the Hooker underwater. Even from the good judgment is used. Beginners who
ing on the surface only a few hours ago. surface it was obvious there was a ship- want to explore it can easily stay at a depth
The temporary low visibility added to the wreck. Its outline, 50 feet below, could be of 60 feet and swim around the outside.
feeling. Already, many fish were looking seen easily from above. The visibility had Those with a bit more experience can dive
over the wreck, probably arguing about already cleared up 100 percent and now to 70 feet and explore some open passages.
who would get which room for a new home. one could see the entire ship in the crystal This should be done with an experienced
A large ocean triggerfish swam slowly over blue water. buddy. It should be planned well so no one
the hull, apparently not taken aback by this gets too deep inside the wreck. Very expe-
new addition to its territory. T he ship itself has two large deckhouses, rienced wreck divers may want to see as
one aft and one amidships. The galley many different compartments as possible.
A ir still bubbled out of various holes and crew’s quarters were aft. Amidships is planned.
rusted through the hull at the water- the wheelhouse and chart room. In front