Page 223 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 223

I n the Franco-Dutch War, Count Jean II          protected shores, Curaçao was the perfect          the Atlantic Ocean meet. These were formed
   d’Estrées planned to attack Curaçao.          place for the Dutch to set up several large        more than 10,000 years ago, at the end of
His fleet — 12 men of war, 3 fireships, 2        forts. The island soon became a safe haven for     the last Ice Age. As the ice melted the hol-
transports, a hospital ship, and 12 priva-       the Dutch West India Company to conduct            lowed out basins filled with seawater. The St.
teers — met with disaster. Losing 7 men of       their trade. The island’s strategic position       Annabay, Schottegat and Waaigat together
war and 2 other ships when they struck reefs     and deep port caught the attention of the          form an inland water of some four square
off the Las Aves archipelago. They had made      British and French in the early 18th cen-          miles (10km2) with a depth of around 65 feet
a serious navigational error, hitting the reefs  tury, who immediately went into predatory          (20 m). The margin between ebb and flow is
on 11 May 1678, a week after setting sail from   mode, each trying to control the islands with      just two feet (60 cm). This makes the Curaçao
Saint Kitts.                                     the best trade routes and highly profitable        harbor an excellent, safe natural harbor.
                                                 sugar plantations. Curaçao owes its maritime
With the island’s central location and           prosperity to its favorable location. This is the
         the natural harbor’s deep ports and     island where the international trade routes of
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