Page 228 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 228

he dissolution of the Netherlands       the Netherlands.                              and Colombia. Use of English dates to the
                                                                                           early 19th century, when the British took
T Antilles came into effect on 10 October    C uraçao is a polyglot society. The official  Curaçao and Bonaire. When Dutch rule re-
                                                   languages are Dutch, Papiamento,        sumed in 1815, officials already noted wide
2010. Curaçao became a country within        and English. However, Dutch is the sole       use of the language. According to the 2001
the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with         language for all administration and legal     Census, Papiamento is the first language of
the Kingdom retaining responsibility for     matters. The most widely spoken language      81.2% of the population. Dutch is the first
defense and foreign policy. The Kingdom      is Papiamentu, a Portuguese creole spoken     language of 8% of the population. Spanish
was also to oversee the island’s finances    in all levels of society. Papiamento was      is the first language of 4% of the popula-
under a debt-relief arrangement agreed       introduced as a language of primary school    tion, and English is the first language of
between the two. Recent political debate     education in 1993, making Curaçao one of      2.9%. However, these numbers divide the
has centered on the issue of Papiamento      a handful of places where a creole lan-       population in terms of first language and
becoming the sole language of instruction.   guage is used as a medium to acquire basic    do not account for the high rate of bilin-
Proponents argue that it will help preserve  literacy. Spanish and English also have a     gualism in the population of Curaçao. Most
the language and will improve the quality    long historical presence in Curaçao. Spanish  of Curaçao’s population is able to converse
of primary and secondary school education.   became an important language in the 18th      in at least two of the languages of Papia-
Proponents of Dutch-language instruction     century due to the close economic ties with   mentu, Dutch, English, and Spanish.
argue that students who study in Dutch       Spanish colonies in what are now Venezuela
will be better prepared for the university
education offered to Curaçao residents in
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