Page 237 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 237

hile the Portuguese were directly     European nations built up economically         Africans replaced Native Americans as the
                                                slave-dependent colonies in the New World.     main population of enslaved people in the
W involved in trading enslaved peoples,         Slightly more than 3% of the enslaved          Americas. In some cases, such as on some
                                                people exported from Africa were traded        of the Caribbean Islands, diseases such as
the Spanish empire relied on the asiento        between 1450 and 1600, and 16% in the          smallpox and warfare eliminated the na-
system, awarding merchants (mostly from         17th century. It is estimated that more than   tives completely.
other countries) the license to trade en-       half of the entire slave trade took place
slaved people to their colonies.                during the 18th century, with the British,     T he transatlantic slave trade resulted
                                                Portuguese and French being the main                in a vast and as yet still unknown loss
D uring the first Atlantic system most of       carriers of nine out of ten slaves abducted    of life for African captives both in and
       these traders were Portuguese, giv-      from Africa. By the 1690s, the English were    outside America. Approximately 1.2 – 2.4
ing them a near-monopoly during the era.        shipping the most slaves from West Africa.     million Africans died during their transport
Some Dutch, English, and French traders         They maintained this position during the       to the New World. More died soon upon
also participated in the slave trade. After     18th century, becoming the biggest ship-       their arrival. The number of lives lost in the
the union, Portugal came under Spanish          pers of slaves across the Atlantic. Following  procurement of slaves remains a mystery
legislation that prohibited it from directly    the British and United States’ bans on the     but may equal or exceed the number who
engaging in the slave trade as a carrier. It    African slave trade in 1808, it declined, but  survived to be enslaved. The savage nature
became a target for the traditional enemies     the period still accounted for 28.5% of the    of the trade led to the destruction of indi-
of Spain, losing a large share of the trade to  total volume of the Atlantic slave trade.      viduals and cultures. The following figures
the Dutch, English and French.                                                                 do not include deaths of enslaved Africans
                                                E uropean colonists initially practiced        as a result of their labour, slave revolts, or
T he Second Atlantic system was the                  systems of both bonded labour and In-     diseases suffered while living among New
      trade of enslaved Africans by mostly      dian slavery, enslaving many of the natives    World populations.
English, Portuguese, French and Dutch           of the New World. For a variety of reasons,
traders. The main destinations of this phase
were the Caribbean colonies and Brazil, as
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