Page 239 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 239
illiam Wilberforce dedicated his life ing 283 votes for to 16 against, the motion 1814 where France agreed with Britain that
to abolish the Atlantic slave trade was the trade is “repugnant to the principles
W as a Member of the British Parliament carried in the House of Commons. Britain of natural justice” and agreed to abol-
continued to press other nations to end its ish the slave trade in five years; the 1814
to opposing the slave trade and working trade; in 1810 an Anglo-Portuguese treaty Anglo-Netherlands treaty where the Dutch
for the abolition of slavery throughout the was signed whereby Portugal agreed to outlawed its slave trade.
British Empire. On 22 February 1807, twenty restrict its trade into its colonies; an 1813
years after he first began his crusade, and Anglo-Swedish treaty whereby Sweden
in the middle of Britain’s war with France, outlawed its slave trade; the Treaty of Paris
Wilberforce and his team’s labours were
rewarded with victory. By an overwhelm-