Page 260 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 260

he climate on Curaçao is dry, averaging         home to a rainbow of marine life. The island’s        (Playa Kalki), where a mini-wall reaching
                                                      volcanic beginnings are evident in massive coral      18 meters/ 60 feet lies only a few minutes
T about 55 cm of rainfall a year, which mainly        formations extending into the depths with deep-       swim from shore. Another dive high on
                                                      water fish patrolling the plunging walls. You         the list of favorites is The Valley (Porto
falls between October and February, making it         should not be surprised to see dolphins playing,      Marie). The “valley” is actually the open
an ideal holiday and diving destination that of-      turtles sunning, or pilot whales migrating. The       sand area that runs between two parallel
fers plenty of sunshine. Located below the hurri-     beaches on the south side contain many popular        reefs. An easy shore dive, the first reef is
cane belt, Curaçao does not get affected much in      diving spots. An unusual feature of Curaçao div-      at 15 meters/50 feet deep, and the second
hurricane season, but the constant trade winds        ing is that the sea floor drops off steeply within a  starts at 18 meters/60 feet. The typical
keep the temperatures on the island around a          few hundred feet of the shore, and the reef can       30-metre/100-foot visibility certainly helps
comfortable 26-30 degrees Celsius. Water tem-         easily be reached without a boat. This drop-off is    you enjoy your sightings of nurse sharks,
peratures are warm and vary slightly between 27       locally known as the “blue edge.” Strong currents     turtles, lobsters and abundant coral. The
and 29 degrees Celsius. A 3mm wetsuit is usually      and lack of beaches make the rocky northern           reefs have suffered from over fishing in the
sufficient. Curaçao’s Hato International Airport      coast dangerous for diving, but experienced           past, so are depleted compared to some of
has excellent connections to the US, Europe           divers sometimes dive there from boats when           the other Caribbean islands and commonly
(the Netherlands and Spain), and the other of         conditions permit. The southern coast is very dif-    only small fish are found. However, Curaçao
the ABC islands. The best way to get around the       ferent and offers remarkably calm waters.             Underwater Park promotes conservation
island is to rent a car or take a taxi. Many of the                                                         along its 12 mile (19km) reef with coral
resorts and dive operations offer free pick-ups,      C uracao has more than 100 identified                 beds, walls and shallow wrecks. Entrance
including to cruise-ship guests.                            dive sites dive sites to choose from and        into the marine park costs US $10-15, which
                                                      most are accessible as shore dives. Manta             goes towards the upkeep of the park. One
Diving in Curaçao is unique for many reasons;         rays, stingrays, eagle rays, turtles, octopi          of the islands best dive sites is the wreck
       it is set apart from other Caribbean destina-  and even seahorses all frequent Curacao’s             of the Superior Producer, a seventy-meters
tions by it’s diversity and its density of sea life,  reefs and wrecks, along with numerous                 long boat that has been resting on the sea-
its many underwater landscapes, and it’s reef         other species of reef fish. Among the more            floor for the past thirty years.
proximity to shore. Curaçao’s reefs surround the      popular dive sites is Alice in Wonderland
island attaching to the shore like a narrow fringe.
These beautiful gardens of delicate corals are
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