Page 263 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 263

Quick Tips

P ay attention to currents and how your body responds to them;          A void jellyfish, fire coral, and other stinging creatures.
      you don’t want to drift too far off course.                       N ever reach into holes or crevices; animals - especially moray

W ear a water proof watch to ensure you don’t lose track of                    eels - like to make their homes in them.
          time, which can be easy to do underwater.
                                                                        S hark sightings are rare, and sharks that are spotted are usually
D on’t feed the fish or touch the animals or coral, this could                passive. If you do see a shark, stay calm, and if necessary, move
       cause their protective layers to be stripped away. Note that it  slowly out of the water.
is illegal to touch soft coral in marine protected areas.
                                                                        N ever remove anything from dive sites and reefs.
N ever stand or walk on a reef, and tread carefully in shallow
       water around reefs. Shuffle your feet to avoid stingrays, and
watch out for sea urchins.

N ever wear jewelry. Caribbean fish, barracudas especially, seem        W ear waterproof sunblock. Sunburns are a common side ef-
       to be drawn to shiny objects that look like their natural prey,           fect of the hot Caribbean sun, even under water.
small silver fish.
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