Page 291 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 291
asora - Elegant Chinese pagoda shapes perch on the wall as ivers’ Leap - This is a drift dive where the current will sweep
you along the reef. The steep wall is home to many small reef
B Dyou dive into the depths at Basora. A site with as many species
of coral and fish as you are likely to find in one place, Basora is the fish, as well as elkhorn and staghorn coral.
most eastern dive site on Curaçao. Because it is on the point, the D iector’s Bay - Over here you can make two beautiful dives. A
currents can shift quickly and the wave action is unpredictable very good site for lessons also since the first few meters are
only white sand. About 10 meters from the beach the drop off
B arracuda Point - This popular reef dive is covered in dense begins. If you make the dive to the left side of Director’s Bay you
corals that include massive boulder corals and lovely gorgo-
nians. And in addition to the tiny creatures living in the reef, you will find a beautiful wall, overgrown with corals and sponges in
will encounter a variety of fish, including horse-eye jacks and the a variety of colors. When you make the dive to the right side of
barracudas that make it a routine of following divers as they drift Director’s Bay you will see lots of soft corals. There is a the little
along exploring the scenery in this enchanting place. The average tugboat, where lots of fish live in and around. The boat itself is
depth at this site reaches 26 meters, and the site is good to dive in beautifully encrusted.
all year round. Intermediate divers will do well here and the site is D ouble Reef - Definitely one of the most beautiful dive sites,
though a tricky one because strong currents can occur. Not a
also easily accessed by boat.
B eacon Point - The depth reaches around 30 meters, and the site real good dive for beginners. Big variety on corals and fish.
features some unforgettable drop-offs, as well as a variety of
marine species that include groupers, barracuda, and horse-eye E ast Point - Largely uninhabited, the southeast side of Curacao
jacks. Take some time, though, to explore the largest pillar coral is where everything is bigger and bolder. The untouched reefs
formation in all of the Caribbean Sea. This site can be accessed by have grown to impressive stature: some brain corals are noted for
boat and is appropriate for all levels of divers. being the size of car. Staghorn and elkhorn coral, which is consid-
ered endangered in the greater Caribbean Sea, thrives in this area.